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Icon Bacteriophiliac
Description: Your plant bacteria can have particularly virulent applications.
  • For 2 Action Point you can give an illness to a crewmember. This is a covert action.
Learned by: Icon Mush 10 If Icon Mush: Only

This ability is Icon Covert; however, it will not be logged if you are alone with the target. It is also aggressive, which is affected by Icon Ian's Icon Pacifist and Icon Chao's Icon Crazy Eye. If the target already has the disease given, it will have no effect. The disease is randomly chosen between Disease Fungic Infection,Disease Extreme Tinnitus,Disease Cold, Disease Flu Icon TODO: What other diseases?

It can be a good idea to make someone ill and and then transfer into them after some agression. Mush cannot fall ill, but illness can serve to prove your new body human. However, the usual limitations of Icon Transfer still apply, and if you are discovered without skills after transferring, the illness will not save you.

Icon Bug: Action only costs 1 Action Point.

Icon Bug: Room log and Action button are in French.

New Action

1 Action Point Rendre Malade

  • Privacy: Icon Covert
  • Target: Other non-mush character
  • Effect: Causes the target character to become ill with a random illness.
    • This action is Aggressive.
  • Room Log: [Mush] souffle sur [target] un nuage étrange...

