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Icon Premonition
Description: Your intuition never fails, you can see the most recent activities of a teammate in the form of a vivid flashback. It's practical, but gives you a monster headache!
  • You can see the last action of a teammate. This action costs you one Moral.png.
Learned by: Icon Chun 3 If Icon Mush: Unknown

Affected Actions

You can see the last action of a teammate, at a cost of one Morale.


A weaker but more subtle alternative to Chao's Icon Torturer skill, this ability can be useful for a Chun actively participating in the Mush hunt, in order to check suspicious behaviour or confirm people's claims regarding unlogged actions.

At a cost of 1 Morale for detecting only the last action, however, this is too luck-based and unreliable to just randomly use on people. It stands and falls with the user's knowledge and judgement as to when there might be actions to reveal, and their ability to replenish their Morale. - Like a Icon Shrink to comfort them (which lets you use it without limit at 0.5 Action Point for her) or a Icon Confident.

This requires good coordination with both the other investigators (usually Icon Eleesha) and the morale boosters (ideally Icon Janice), and thus is most effective on organized and active ships.