From Mushpedia
(Redirected from Doing the thing)
Basic Actions
A basic action is an action that all players have and does not need to be unlocked by choosing a skill. Here are some of the simplest ones
Mush players have additional basic actions (see Basic Mush Actions).
Kick off
- Target: Other character
- Effect: inflicts 1-3 points of damage to the target with a base accuracy of 60%
- Affected by: Sneak, Solid, Wrestler, Diplomat, Crazy Eye, Ninja and Hard Boiled skills, Inactive status, Plastenite Armor item, and Ian's Pacifist trait.
- Public log
- Target: Droppable item
- Effect: Hiding items prevents them from appearing on the room's shelves to anyone but the person that hid them. They still can remain effective (e.g. MycoAlarm)
- Private log: [Person] has hidden their [object]
- Target: None
- Effect: You search the room, discovering one hidden item per attempt.
- The action can't fail, if you don't found anything, there isn't anything hidden.
- The action can't fail, if you don't found anything, there isn't anything hidden.
- Affected by: Observant.
- Public log: [Person] has discovered a hidden [object]
- Private log: TODO: Missing information. (log when there's no hidden object)
Lie down
- Target: Unoccupied Bed/Sofa
- Effect: You start laying down and occupying a bed/sofa, to gain extra at cycle change, and extra if a Shrink is present.
- Public log: [Person] is lying down... It's good to just stop and take a break. Destination : the land of dreams!
Get up
- Requires: Your character laying on a bed or sofa
- Target: None
- Effect: You stop laying down and occupying a bed/sofa.
- Happens automatically when taking any other action, or clicking on anywhere in the room other than inventory (clicking on people makes you stand up too)
- Happens automatically when taking any other action, or clicking on anywhere in the room other than inventory (clicking on people makes you stand up too)
- Public log: [Character] wakes up calmly.
- Requires: Target must be of opposite gender or Andie
- Raluca cannot flirt due to her Antisocial trait, but others can flirt with her and then she can do the thing.
- Flirt is impossible between Paola and Gioele.
- Target: Standing character that flirted with yours
- Effect: Flirt allows a character whom you flirted with to "do the thing" with you.
- Affected by: Antisocial trait
- Public log:
- [Female character] seems interested in [Male character], the fluttering of their eyelashes is a good indicator of their most intimate thoughts
- [Male character] seems interested in [Female character]. The way he looks at her leaves nobody in any doubt of his intentions.
Do the thing
- Requires:
- Target: Non sleeping character that flirted with yours
- Effect: Raises morale by 2 points for both participants.
- Affected by: First Time
- Public log: [Character] and [Character] killed the lights and then the strange noises started... A few minutes later, the lights went back on. They seemed in great spirits afterwards.
- Private log: TODO: Missing information.
- Action flavor: TODO: Missing information.
- Requires: Character Level 3 or higher
- Target: None
- Effect: Keeps any crew members in the room from leaving through any door except the one they entered through.
- Affected by: Sneak, Crazy Eye skills and Pacifist trait. Solid/ Wrestler characters can still throw people out through random doors.
- Invisible
- Requires: Must not have Full Stomach status. If consumable is a pill, it must be the first one consumed that day.
- Target: Consumable (food, fruits or pills)
- Effect: You consume the item, receiving/losing points and illnesses depending on the consumable. Can make you Dirty, unless holding the Stainproof Apron.
- Affected by: Frugivore, Caffeine Junkie skills and Mush status
- Secret log: [Consumer] ate/devoured/munched their Actions/little snack/nice little meal/small meal, burp.
- If mush, it will also create a Private log: TODO: Missing information.
- If mush, it will also create a Private log: TODO: Missing information.
- Target: Broken equipment
- Effect: You attempt to repair the item, the action might fail improving your Efficiency.
- See Repairs for more detailed information.
- See Repairs for more detailed information.
- Affected by: Technician, Adjustable Wrench and Alien Bottle Opener, Determined.
- Public log: TODO: repair success log (successful repair)
- Private log: TODO: repair fail log (unsuccesful repair)
Basic Mush Actions
A basic mush action is an action that all mush players have and does not need to be unlocked by choosing a skill. These actions are in addition to the "basic actions" already listed above.
Extract a spore
- Target: None
- Effect: Creates a Spore and carries it for later use (max 2 carried spores, they don't consume inventory space).
- Always gives Dirty status, even with the Stainproof Apron equipped
- Always gives Dirty status, even with the Stainproof Apron equipped
- Affected by: Constipaspore Serum, Antispore Gas, Fertile, Mycelium Spirit.
- Secret log: [Mush] has removed a spore. It's truly repulsive. And the smell...
- Target: Non immunized humans, Schrödinger.
- Effect: Uses one carried Spore and transfers it to the target.
- Mush players can only infect once a day
- Humans require 3 spores to convert to Mush, Schrödinger requires only a single one. When converted, the spores transfered to the new mush dissapear.
- Affected by: Mushovore Bacteria, Crazy Eye, Pacifist and Infector.
- Covert log: [Mush] approached [victim] in a predatory manner... and spiked them discretely!
- Target: Sabotable equipment
- Effect: You attempt to break equipment, the action might fail improving your Efficiency.
- Affected by: Saboteur.
- Doorman allows to sabotage a random door per day for free.
- Doorman allows to sabotage a random door per day for free.
- Secret log: TODO: Missing information. (successful sabotage)
- Private log: TODO: Missing information. (failed sabotage)
- Target: None
- Effect: You mutate into Berserker, healing 4 , giving a permanent Guardian status, and improving melee attacks damage on 1 :hp:.
- The berserker will lose any items and active skills it had, won't be able to speak on public channels, and will only be able to Attack, Move and Sabotage.
- The berserker will lose any items and active skills it had, won't be able to speak on public channels, and will only be able to Attack, Move and Sabotage.
- Public log: [Character] curls up, clearly suffering. The crewmember's cries resonate throughout the room before ungodly bile spews from their mouth and melts their clothing... How horrific! [Character] has completely mutated!