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Infoicon.png I wish that this site was more descriptive source of general knowledge about the entire ship and affect all aspects superficially. No hard data here only references.


Cautionicon.png undeveloped, need to confirm chronology, maybe more facts about ship less about crew and other events? Kloonej (talk) 07:07, 26 December 2013 (MST)

Jin Su 's team is presented with a fait accompli and teams up with the rebels. They put the Daedalus project in motion, a much smaller project than the Magellan project, A fragile, twitchy spaceship whose mission was to transport humanity's last hopes to the furthest reaches of the galaxy, far away from the glacial reaches of Mush.

The origins of Daedalus back to 3137 years when the designer Lai Kuan Ti obtains funding from billionaire Gioele Rinaldo for his Project Magellan Ark. Shortly thereafter, the project joins Raluca Tomescu inventor of PILGRED hyperdrive. Project Magellan is the Ark which can accommodate a huge amount of people and move them through the cosmos in a short time .

The government people are infected and things getting complicated. Over the years, the financial resources are melting , there are problems with government forces that are trying to stop the progress of the rebels. However, the group of people involved in the project grows. There are people able to fight the threat of Mush . Scientists , technicians, pilots joins the group thanks to the amazing circumstances or connections. Only so far resistant to infection Zhong Chun breathed new hope in the crew , tireless journalist Elisha Williams provides evidence and information about the state of the galaxy and the presence of danger. Janice Kent and Terrence Archer gives their outstanding work on artificial intelligence , which will manage the ship's systems.

Unfortunately, in 3152 [?date to cinfirm], the threat is growing and the work seems to go on forever without bringing an end. The difficult decision to reduce the size and capabilities of the ship shall be taken to complete the work before it is lost the last chance to rescue. The result is a project Daedalus, a much smaller ship from Magellan but built most of its reduced modules.

After two years the crew is 16 people and the project is coming to an end. Kim Jin Su wants to join the crew of another person who is capable of building detectors of Mush - Mycoscan. This is a very important person, since there is no certainty that among the crew is not an infected agent. Unfortunately, Finola Keegan refuses to join the crew , considering it as act of cowardice to run away from danger instead of saving anyone possible. Kim does not see other option and sends two henchmen to kidnap Finola. Only Wang Chao returns with his victim.

The risk grows, there is no other choice, undeveloped and vulnerable for any anomalies Daedalus hits the space. Target Eden - new home, new beginning for humanity.


Daedalus is a spaceship on which most of game take place, except explorations and operating patrol ships. This allows to compare ship to boardgame consisted of 27 rooms: Bridge, 6 Gun Turrets, 5 Storages, Laboratory, Medlab, Hydroponic Garden, Refectory, 2 Dorms, Nexus, Engine Room, 3 small-Ship Bays, Icarus Bay, 3 corridors. It`s controlled by Artificial Intelligence(?) Neron placed in heart of ship - room called Nexus.

Map and overview

Cautionicon.png Not sure that everything is complete and as should be Kloonej (talk) 07:07, 26 December 2013 (MST)
Dedalus ship - top view

Rear ship

Drive and technical devices are located on the rear of the ship. Most of the time only engineers and technicians are expected to be present in this area, especially Raluca which is responsible for maintenance of PILGRED. Daedalus is equipped standard old fashioned engines (diesel technology) which moves ship in ordinary situations, it also have unfinished PILGRED module which is designed for light speed travels between solar systems. Fuel tank is located in Rear Bravo Storage[?]. To move ship by a captain, fuel must be injected to Combustion Chamber located in engine room. Also two turrets are located on both sides of engine room.

Mid ship

Center part of the ship is mainly living area with Refectory - where all meals are cooked also Coffee machine is located in. Other two social rooms, Alpha and Bravo Dorms where crew can rest on 3 beds in each dorm or take refreshing shower. This part of the ship is almost all time inhabited by all sort of crew members. Another one room is Nexus, where NERON Core is located - it`s ofted visited by designers and IT experts but not only since everyone can participate in NERONs projects.

Ships sides

On both sides of the ship are located expedition bays. Three of those contains Patrol ships designed to deal with hostile vessels. Alpha Bay 2 contains also Pasiphae ship, which collects debris from outer space, which causing it almost only place where hull repairs are maintained. Another special bay is Icarus Bay which holds Icarus Expedition ship. Bays are visited occasionaly since they are only way to get from front to rear ship or center storages, every crew member can pass through from time to time. Center storages are special in way they contains oxygen tanks. They vital feature cause them almost unvisited trough whole game, because is not desired to be around oxygen tanks in case they broke in the same time - it might be taken as act of sabotage. With bays are also connected two turrets.

Front ship

Main room here is Bridge, where almost all time are present Comms officer, commander and Astro Navigator. Here can be developed most crucial operations for Daedalus. Captain orders ship to move, Comms officer decrypts cosmic signals and gaining access to databases which gives many profits to whole crew. Astro Navigator can scan planets for presence of oxygen or other desirable materials. Since scanning planets is available to all crew members bridge is quite often visited by most of. Another room is Laboratory where health and mush researches are maintained. In addition plants are often gardened in Lab since taking care of them is cause of getting dirty and stainproof apron is prescribed to Laboratory. Next room is Medlab equipped with surgical bed. This can be used for physical treatment and to rest up just like in dorms, so people in front of the ship often takes this one to save Pa slot2.pngMP. In almost every ship Hydrophonic Garden is room which is never used until some NERON projects make it more useful for gardening.