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Stopicon.png Unfinished. Some missing things: info on doing the thing, descriptions of skill action points. Help would be appreciated. —Cimanyd

Action Points

Action Points Action Point (AP) are used to do most things in Mush. The maximum amount is 12.

Cycle change

  • +1
  • +1 when Laid.pngLying down, unless you're Icon Hyperactive

Food etc.

  • +4 standard ration (+1 with SIRIUS rebel base bonus)
  • +4 cooked ration (+1 with SIRIUS rebel base bonus)
  • +2 coffee
  • +1 banana
  • +3 jumpkin
  • +1 to +3 alien fruits
  • +1, +2, +3 some pills

Other players' actions

  • +3 when the Title 01.pngCommander gives you a mission and you accept it


Your actions

  • Most actions will require AP to do. Each action will list the number of Action Point required.

Movement Points

Movement Points Movement Point (MP) are used to move between rooms. The maximum amount is 12.

Cycle change

  • +1
  • +1 when Icon Hyperactive

Food etc.

  • +2, +4 some pills
  • +8 anabolics

Explanation of moving

For everyone except Icon Terrence moving through a door costs 1 MP, unless you are carrying a heavy item without the Icon Solid skill.

Icon Terrence can move from room to room with no MP usage if someone is standing in the room with him. The log will show that the other person opened the door for Terrence. If there's no one else in the room and Terrence is out of MP, due to his Icon Disabled trait, it will cost him one full Action Point (not Movement Point) to move from room to room.

If you have 0 MP but at least 1 AP and you move through a door, 1 AP will be converted into a number of MP (note: 1 MP is immediately used to move through the door so you will end up with 1 less than the number the AP is converted into). The number:

  • +3
  • -3 if you are carrying a heavy item without Icon Solid
  • -2 if you are Icon Disabled
  • +2 if you have Icon Sprinter
  • +2 if you are carrying an electric scooter with a charge, unless you have Icon Sprinter
  • +1 if you have the Rolling Boulder during an even numbered cycle

If you have 0 AP and 0 MP you can't move through a door at all.

Health Points

Health Points Health Point must stay above 0 or you will die immediately. The maximum amount is 14 (16 if gold). You start with the maximum.

Day change

  • +1

Food etc.

  • +1 banana
  • +1 jumpkin
  • +1 some alien fruits

Your actions

Other players' actions

  • -? Someone attacks you
  • -? Someone attacks you with a knife
  • -? Someone shoots you with a blaster


  • Randomly (when? how likely) stuff like room shaking

Morale Points

Morale Points Morale must stay above 0 or you will die at the next cycle. The maximum amount is 14 (16 if gold). You start with half the maximum (confirm gold starts with 8 not 7). (None of this section applies to Mush, they always have maximum morale.)

Day change

Cycle change

  • +1 when Laid.pngLying down and someone else in the room has Icon Shrink
  • -1 when you are Icon Antisocial and someone else is in the room
  • -1 when you are Icon Germaphobe and Dirty.pngDirty

Food etc.

  • -1 standard ration
  • -1 alien steak
  • +1 banana
  • +1 jumpkin
  • +1 some alien fruits
  • -2, +1, +2, +3 some pills

Your actions

Other players' actions

  • +2 when someone uses Comfort on you (Icon Shrink)
  • +2 when someone uses Impassioned Speech in the room (Icon Leader)
  • -2 when a Mush uses Demoralize on you (Icon Demoralize)


Skill Action Points

Some skills give special types of points that can be used only for certain actions. A specific number of points are gained at each day change, and when you first learn the skill you start with the maximum points, but there is no other way to get them. The maximum amount of points is always twice the daily amount. It is possible to have more than one type of skill action point on one character by using multiple skill slots or a Icon Mage Book to get more than one skill with points.